Bridge Piercing: Everything You Need to Know | Trends, Care, and FAQs

Bridge Piercing Anatomy

A unique and daring type of facial piercing that is becoming increasingly popular among fans of body modification is the bridge piercing. This nasal bridge piercing is a great option for those who want to create a distinctive fashion statement. We’ll cover a range of topics related to bridge piercing, including its location, method, aftercare, possible hazards, and more. Whether you’re thinking about getting a bridge piercing or are just inquisitive, this article will provide all the information you require.

What is Bridge Piercing?

A bridge piercing is a body piercing that runs horizontally across the nose bridge. It is usually situated above the line where the forehead and nose meet, in the space between the eyes. A bridge piercing goes through the soft tissue of the nose, as opposed to other facial piercings that go through the cartilage or the lip.

bridge piercing

Bridge Piercing Anatomy and Placement

The patch of skin between the eyes, directly above the nasal bone, is perfect for a bridge piercing. This arrangement guarantees that the piercing will be noticeable and visually appealing. A skilled piercer who can precisely determine the ideal location for the piercing is essential because improper placement might result in problems or uneven healing.

Difference Between Earl Piercing and Spike Bridge Piercing

Earl Bridge Piercing

The earl piercing is a rare but eye-catching face piercing that has grown in popularity because of its daring style. This piercing gets its name from its placement, which corresponds with the “earl” or the bridge portion of the nose, right between the eyes on the bridge. In contrast to more conventional nose piercings, the earl piercing produces a distinctive, eye-catching appearance that appeals to people looking for something unusual.

earl bridge piercing
Positioning and Jewelry Selections

But after the piercing heals, you can get even more creative with components like horseshoe rings, curved barbells, or more intricate ones with diamonds or spikes.

The Pain and Healing time

The pain associated with an ear piercing varies from person to person, just like it does with any other piercing. This piercing is typically rather painful, with a firm squeeze felt during the process.

Depending on the individual’s healing pace and aftercare procedures, the healing period can take anywhere from eight to twelve weeks. To avoid irritation and difficulties, keeping the region tidy and keeping the jewelry from moving around needlessly is critical.

Spike Bridge Piercing

The typical bridge piercing is elevated to an entirely new degree of edginess with the spike bridge piercing. This piercing seems more forceful and daring because, as its name implies, spike-ended jewelry is used.

spike bridge piercing
Positioning and Jewelry Selections

The spike bridge piercing is situated over the upper portion of the nose bridge, just like the earl piercing. Nonetheless, the jewelry selection is what makes it unique.

At both ends of the piercing, spikes are employed instead of the typical barbell balls, giving it a bold and acute appearance. The length and thickness of these spikes can be changed to suit individual preferences for style.

Pain and Healing Time

A spike bridge piercing causes about the same amount of discomfort as a standard bridge piercing. While the spikes don’t make the piercing procedure more uncomfortable, they might need extra care while the wound is healing.

The healing period is still between eight and twelve weeks, but extra care should be taken to avoid snagging or discomfort because the jewelry is more aggressive.

Bridge Piercing Jewelry

bridge piercing jewelry

Barbells with a curve

Bridge piercings are often done with curved barbells. Their soft curvature blends in perfectly with the nose’s organic shape. In addition to fitting more comfortably, this kind of jewelry is less prone to irritate the surrounding tissue.

Straight barbells


Decorative jewelry such as titanium or stainless steel rings is sometimes used, but they are less popular for bridge piercings. Selecting jewelry made of high-quality materials is critical to lowering the chance of allergic reactions and infections.

Selecting the Bridge Piercing Jewelry Size

Choosing the appropriate jewelry size for bridge piercings is essential for comfort and healing. Selecting the appropriate size for your piercing enhances its aesthetic appeal, reduces the possibility of difficulties, and guarantees good healing. You will be guided through all the important considerations when selecting the appropriate jewelry size for your bridge piercing guide.

Comprehending Bridge Piercing Jewelry Sizing

bridge piercing jewelry size

Bridge piercing jewelry sizing is based on two primary measurements: gauge (thickness) and length. How the jewelry fits and works in your piercing is greatly influenced by each dimension.

Measurement (Thickness)

Standard Gauges: The two most used gauges for bridge piercings are 16 gauge (1.2 mm) and 14 gauge (1.6 mm). The gauge indicates the jewelry’s thickness.

Selecting the Correct Gauge: A thinner gauge (such as 16 gauge) may be used for a more delicate appearance; a thicker gauge (such as 14 gauge) is typically selected for increased durability and visibility. Your nose’s shape and preferences may also influence the indicator you choose.

Measurement ( Length)

Barbell Length: The barbell’s length determines how comfortably the jewelry fits in the piercing. Usually, the length falls between 6 and 10 mm.

Selecting the Correct Length: The optimal length is determined by the wearer’s anatomy and the amount of space between the eyes. A too-long length might result in excessive movement, which raises the danger of snagging and irritation, while an excessively short length can put pressure and discomfort on the piercing.

Size of Initial Piercing Jewelry

When you get your bridge pierced the first time, the piercer will probably use a slightly longer barbell to account for swelling. Typically, this first piece of jewelry is a straight or curved barbell made of biocompatible materials like surgical steel or titanium.

The piercer may use a longer barbell to improve comfort, as swelling is frequent throughout the healing phase. Once the piercing has healed completely, you should consider switching to a shorter barbell for a better fit.

Changing the Size of Jewelry After Healing

You should change the jewelry size after your bridge piercing has healed for cosmetic purposes or to fit your body better.

You might choose a shorter barbell to have a more snug fit after healing. This might give a more streamlined appearance and less chance of snagging.

Before altering the size of your jewelry, you should always talk with a professional piercer. They may assist you in choosing the correct gauge and length based on your tastes and your healed piercing.

Bridge Piercing Aftercare

Bridge Piercing 1 1

Proper aftercare is essential to guarantee that your bridge piercing heals properly and doesn’t develop any problems. Here are some crucial pointers for aftercare:

  • Clean with Saline Solution: Use a saline or sea salt solution to clean the area surrounding your piercing. Hydrogen peroxide and alcohol might be overly abrasive and can impede the healing process.
  • Avoid Touching: Use clean hands to avoid twisting or touching the piercing. Bacteria may be introduced, raising the possibility of infection.
  • Use Non-Alcoholic Products: To avoid irritation, ensure that any cleaning products or ointments are free of alcohol and perfumes.
  • Avoid Swimming: During the first two weeks, avoid pools, hot tubs, and natural bodies of water to lower the chance of infection.
  • Prevent Trauma: Avoid wearing tight caps or headbands that could accidentally bump or pull the piercing.
  • Avoid Heavy Makeup: Avoid wearing heavy makeup around the piercing area to prevent clogging and irritation.

Keeping an Eye on Recovery

Bridge piercings usually take 6 to 8 weeks to heal, though this might vary. Avoid changing the jewelry too soon and strictly adhere to the aftercare guidelines.

Possible Dangers and Issues

Like any other body modification, bridge piercings can have hazards and problems. Knowing this will enable you to take precautions and seek treatment immediately if needed.

Virus Infection

If appropriate hygiene is not maintained, infections may arise. Infection symptoms include fever, redness, swelling, and discharge. Consult a physician as soon as you detect an infection.

Rejecting and Moving Away

When the body starts to force the jewelry out of the piercing hole, that is rejection. The piercing may move closer to the surface or may close due to this. A person’s body chemistry or improper jewelry placement are two examples of variables that could affect rejection.


Raised scars around a piercing are called keloids. They are more prevalent in those who are prone to developing keloid development. If you observe the development of keloids, seek management counsel from a doctor or expert piercer.

Pierced Bumps

Hypertrophic scars, tiny lumps, can occasionally develop around the piercing. These are typically benign and can be managed with saline solutions or over-the-counter medications. Should they continue or get worse, consult a professional.


A distinctive and attractive body modification that provides a striking appearance is bridge piercing. You can ensure that the process is effective and fulfilling by being aware of the placement, procedure, aftercare, and possible hazards. Always select a qualified, experienced piercer, take care of yourself afterward, and pay attention to how your body reacts to the piercing. A bridge piercing can be a daring and fashionable option, regardless of whether you’re an experienced piercer or considering getting your first facial piercing.

FAQS about  Bridge Piercings

How painful is a bridge piercing?

Depending on the patient’s pain threshold, a bridge piercing can hurt anywhere from mildly uncomfortable to extremely excruciating. The needle passing through the thin skin on the nose bridge during the piercing may cause a fast, stinging pinch. Rather than excruciating agony, the feeling is frequently characterized by heavy pressure, and the discomfort typically goes away quickly following the surgery.

What is the meaning behind bridge piercing?

Bridge piercings are typically chosen for their aesthetic appeal rather than traditional or cultural significance. This piercing symbolizes uniqueness and self-expression frequently connected to alternative styles and subcultures. People can use it to draw attention to specific facial characteristics and create a daring, unique style statement.

Are bridge piercings hard to heal?

The position of bridge piercings and the possibility of movement or discomfort might make healing relatively tricky. Usually, healing takes eight to twelve weeks, but it may take longer if the piercing is not properly cared for. Maintaining a clean environment and avoiding moving the jewelry unnecessarily is imperative, as this may result in issues like infection or migration.

Does bridge piercing go through the bone?

No, a puncture through a bridge does not penetrate bone. It is a surface piercing that passes through the skin between the eyes and on the nose bridge. The needle punctures little bits of tissue, leaving no bone or cartilage behind.

Do bridge piercings reject a lot?

Because bridge piercings are surface piercings, rejection is more risky than other piercings. Rejection can be brought on by things like inappropriate jewelry size, positioning, or excessive activity, which causes the body to push the jewelry out as it heals. Rejection risk can be decreased by selecting a skilled piercer and following the recommended aftercare instructions.

What is the most painful face piercing?

Depending on a person’s pain threshold, facial piercings can cause varying degrees of agony; however, daith, anti-tragus, and septum piercings are frequently mentioned as some of the most excruciating. Because of their more delicate nerve endings or thicker cartilage, these regions may experience more pain during the piercing procedure. However, since pain is a subjective experience, what hurts deeply for one person may not hurt as much for another.

How Much is a Bridge Piercing?

A bridge piercing typically costs between $20 to $70, depending on the area and the piercer’s level of competence. Basic jewelry costs are generally included in this pricing. Larger-end jewelry may come with a heftier price tag. Going to a renowned piercing workshop is imperative to guarantee good technique and hygienic standards.

what gauge is a bridge piercing

Typically, a 16-gauge (1.2mm) or 14-gauge (1.6mm) needle is used for a bridge piercing. The piercer’s preference and the piercing recipient’s anatomy may influence the gauge size. Using the right gauge is critical for the jewelry to fit properly and to reduce the possibility of rejection.